The Workshop on Emerging Technology Trends on the Smart Industry and the Internet of Things «TTSIIT», to be held on January 19-20th, 2022 (online).

The workshop will be hosted by Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture.

TTSIIT 2022 will provide acquaintance with modern achievements and coverage of research results on all aspects of Smart technologies and the Internet of Things. This Workshop Proceedings is devoted to the trends of information technologies and systems, which are traced in scientific works to solve the problems Smart technologies and the Internet of Things.

Participation and publication are free of charge.

Proceedings of TTSIIT 2022 shall be submitted to for online publication as a separate volume of CEUR Workshop Proceedings and planned to be indexed in Scopus and DBLP.


TTSIIT 2022 will focus on, but will be not limited to the following topics:

Application of information technologies and mathematical modeling for:

  • Intelligent transport technologies;
  • Communication networks. LTE technology inIoT;
  • Internet of Things security;
  • Internet of Things and smart home;
  • Industrial Internet of Things;
  • Internet of things for business;
  • Civil and Architectural Engineering;
  • Computer Science;
  • Information Technology.



Prof. Dr. Yurii Khlaponin, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, Ukraine

Prof. Dr.  Ed Corrigan, Department of Mathematical University, York, UK

Prof. Dr. Mikolaj Karpinski, University of Bielsko-Biala, Poland


International Program Committee Members:

Asst. Prof. Dr. Ahmed A. Thabit, Alrafidain University College, Iraq

Dr. Alexander Kuchansky, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine

Prof. Dr. Natalia Lukova-Chuiko, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nameer Hashim Qasim, Kyiv National University of Construction Engineering and Architecture, Ukraine

Dr. Aqeel Mahmoud Jawad, Alrafidain University College, Iraq

Asst. Prof. Dr Volodymyr Temnikov, National Aviation University, Ukraine

Prof. Dr. Eugene Gavrilko, Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, Ukraine

Prof. Dr. Petro Pavlenko, National Aviation University, Ukraine

Prof. Dr. Victor Vyshnivskyi, State University of Telecommunications, Ukraine

PhD Pawel Falat, University of Bielsko-Biala, Poland



PhD Yevheniia Shabala, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, Ukraine

Ing Myroslava Vlasenko, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, Ukraine



Authors are invited to submit a regular paper 10-20 pages in English. All papers should be submitted the Email:

REQUIREMENTS (considering the acceptance criteria for the CEUR publications):

  1. Papers must be strictly related to Computer Science, Information Systems, or Information Technologies fields.
  2. Regular papers of 10–20 pages should be prepared in English using CEUR-ART 1-column style for the proceedings. Thus, authors should use Microsoft Word CEUR-ART Template ( and apply proper template’s styles to a title, section/subsection headers, figure and table captions, paragraphs, symbols, etc. Example of a paper:
  3. Papers should be prepared in full compliance with the requirements and submitted in Microsoft Word 2013 DOCX format on the Email:
  4. The title of the paper should not be longer than 10 words excluding prepositions and should correspond exactly to the research results which are discussed in the paper.
  5. The authors should be listed below the title of the paper. All authors should be affiliated with relevant institutions, including address, town/city, and country. Each author includes its own email and ORCID ( in the Footer of the Page 1 of the paper – see template and example.
  6. The text of the papers should generally include the following sections: Abstract; Keywords; Introduction; Related Works;Methodology/Methods/Techniques; Results/Experiment/Discussions; Conclusion; References.
  7. The abstract should briefly summarize the contents of the paper of no less than 150 words and no more than 250 words.
  8. Introduction and Related Works sections should describe detailly the current state of the problem with the references to appropriate works. The authors are obliged to use the results of international research. All references should be presented in English and be modern (not older than 5-7 years). At the end of the Related Works section, it is necessary to define the unsolved part of the problem and formulate the aim of the research.
  9. The list of references should be properly formatted (see template) and must not be very short or long. The authors should not use a narrow range of authors in references. The number of referencing to one author should not exceed 3. Self-citation must not exceed 10%. References must include DOIs (Digital Object Identifiers) if exist.
  10. It is strongly recommended to divide the original paper into theoretical and practical sections. The theoretical part of the research should be presented in Methodology/Methods/Techniques section and must describe detailly the methodology, models, methods, and/or techniques used to solve the current problem except to the papers that contain reviews of the current state of the scientific research in the specific field. This section can be divided into subsections with appropriate titles. The practical part of the research should be presented in Results/Experiment/Discussions section and can be divided into subsections as well. This section should describe the experiment or computer simulation, obtained results, and detailed discussion of them.
  11. The Conclusions section should present the solved problem, the summary of the proposed methodology/methods/models, their novelty/originality, and obtained results. This section must be of at least 250 words length.
  12. The quality of all figures should be high enough for good reproduction during CEUR publication.
  13. All abbreviations in the text of the paper should be preliminary explained.
  14. The size of the letters and numbers in the formulas and in the fragments of formulas embedded in the text should be the same.
  15. All figures and tables in the paper should have captions formatted properly.
  16. The level of English must be high enough. The paper must be proofreaded.
  17. Authors should provide Authors’ Agreement to Publish a Contribution as Open-Access on (see for templates) filled in by hand and scanned.

(considering the acceptance criteria for the CEUR publications)


  1. One author (co-author) might submit no more than 2 papers.
  2. The number of authors of the paper should preferably not be more than 5.



The results of the research presented in the paper must be novel and original.

However, if figures, tables, animations, or text quotations from copyrighted works (including websites) are included in the paper, permission must be obtained from the copyright holder (usually the original publisher) and the author(s) for both the print and the online format.



A certain overlap in scientific content between papers by the same author is standard practice and to be expected. However, it is essential that transparency is retained and appropriate references included. Permission must be obtained from other publishers, where appropriate.



Registration and Submission – December 25, 2021

Workshop – January 19, 2022


The workshop will have a double-blind peer review process. All submitted papers will be sent to at least two independent reviewers. Additional reviewers will be concerned if necessary.Reviews should be based on technical quality, relevance, originality, significance, and clarity. If necessary, an additional reviewer will be involved. The International Program Committee will use these reviews to determine which papers will be accepted for presentation at the workshop.The result of the reviewing will be announced to the submitting authors by email, along with reviewer comments, if any.We solicit submission of the original paper, not previously published or submitted for publication elsewhere. “No-show” papers won’t be included in the Workshop Proceedings.

Participation and publication are free of charge.



If you have any further inquiries, do not hesitate to contact us by email or phone:

Yurii Khlaponin


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